
Week 13: New Duties

Much to Matt's chagrin, he is now assigned to cleaning out Dash's litter box. We had heard rumors that pregnant women shouldn't change litter boxes, but the doctor confirmed that there is a chance of transmitting toxoplasmosis to the fetus (even though adults generally develop immunity to it). When I first explained these new duties to Matt, he quite frantically exclaimed, "You're sh#!!ing me!" I'm not sure whether the double entendre or his disbelief was more funny; evidently cleaning his "stepcat's" litter box is the ultimate sacrifice.

Guess I won't get much sympathy for carrying our child for nine months!
FYI: We learned this info a while back, so Matt has had this chore for a while now. I am just now getting around to giving him credit for it. Additionally, Dash thought he deserved a little credit too, so he stuck his head in front of the camera as I was trying to take a picture of this page. Cats have little humility.

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