When we were at Grandma and Grandpa's house, Grandpa kept asking if Jules had a hole in her foot, because there surely wasn't room in her stomach for all that she was eating. And she's kept that pace up even at home.

Lately, she's been eating huge breakfasts. Just the other day she had 6 raspberries followed by a bowl of oatmeal mixed with applesauce, formula and a dash of cinnamon. Sound filling? Evidently not, because she started fussing for more and ate an entire large banana. Time to wash your hands and face, Babygirl? No? Time to devour a whole piece of toast! Let me tell ya, Buddha Belly was an understatement at that point! As Matt pointed out, that's the size of an adult breakfast.
Jules does seem to have an aversion to non-food related things being put into her mouth. This has been good so far, because we haven't had to worry about her chewing on non-baby friendly things. But it also means that she won't have anything to do with teething rings, and a sippy cup? Heck no! Why would anyone put such a thing into their mouth?! So we've moved straight to a glass. It works well, actually, because I can see how much she's getting. We do hear the teeth clank on the rim, and we get some sputtering when too much is gulped down. But so far, Jules thinks it's all pretty funny.
So we just keep practicing while it's still fun and games.
We're anxious for her nine month check-up so we can see what she weighs. Her face has filled out and her arms and legs are getting chubby. I can't wait until Summer when I can put her in skirts and t-shirts and gobble on her extremities.
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