I seriously considered not posting any more pregnancy pictures. Thought maybe I could just leave the last impression in your heads of me pregnant at 31 weeks, and deny that in the last ten weeks of pregnancy your belly starts tripling in size. But then I realized that you are going to want to see shower pics and nursery pics and rather than stun you with my large belly that sometimes bumps into things on its own and often finds itself in pictures, I figured I should just get to posting.
We enjoyed a nice 4th of July weekend at home in Seattle. My mom was here for two weeks helping me set up the nursery and just prepare... mentally. Matt cooked us burgers, mom worked on quilting and we all enjoyed another year of spectacular fireworks from our own deck. Matt and I couldn't help but think that this will be the last year that there are just two Georges in this house for the 4th of July. Next year, we'll probably fall asleep at 7pm and miss the fireworks all together!

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