What's going on? Well, my mom is coming in town on Thursday and then Candice Swanson (from Javelin/Dallas) will be arriving on the following Tuesday. All three of us are venturing off to a wonderful little thing called Artfest! It's in Port Townsend, WA, about a three hour drive (plus a ferry ride) from where I live. We'll stop along the way to do some shopping and sight seeing, and then we'll arrive in Port Townsend where we'll spend the next three days taking art classes!!
Lately, I've been working on "trades" (art/collage/assemblage which many of the 500 women who attend Artfest make to trade with one another). It's a situation where anything goes, and everyone trades without reservation or judgement. It's a lot of fun and gives us something to take home with us at the end of the week. This year's theme is "Sea Monsters" so many of the trades will involve things of the sea. I am including a picture of my works in progress (little toy compasses with a mermaid drawing inside who is pointing towards the West since Port Townsend is about as far West as you can go in the U.S.!). The compasses have clear plastic lids, and I will put some sort of ribbon or message along the side of the compass and include my name and the year on the bottom. Still a lot of work to go!

In the meantime, we are refinancing our house; I have to go pick up Matt's books and parking pass for his next quarter of school; I'm getting a haircut, and I have a doctor's check up... all in the midst of cleaning house and preparing to pick up my mom at the airport in two days! While mom is here, we plan to do a little more prep work for Artfest (finding supplies, etc) and a LOT of baby talk.
Here is a list of blog entries you can look forward to when I get back from my art break:
• Results of our second sonogram - which should confirm that I can paint the baby room pink if I so desire
• Pics of our house as it is now (before it is filled with baby toys)
• A story about how we chose the baby name
• Journaling about Matt's workload and my hormones (two ingredients which should never be mixed!)
This summer is filling up fast with visitors, baby classes and decorating!! Baby George, ie. Little Pink Baby Button will be here before we know it! Thanks for sharing in this adventure with us. We love and miss all of you!
Like time isn't already flying by right now, y'all have really got a full calendar. Glad I grabbed a spot on it to come for a long overdue visit! I am dying to see the "trades" you bring back from that art festival.