I thought it would be fun to let Jarrett know first, and he did not disappoint. He was on his way home from work at Ticketmaster when we called. While on speaker phone, I asked him if he would like to be an Uncle, and he confirmed with great excitement. He then told us to hurry up and call mom and dad before he did! He couldn't wait for them to hear the news.
Next we called mom and dad Hersley and ended up telling them separately while on speaker phone. They were both ecstatic (I think they had been waiting for this day for the last year!), and they couldn't wait for us to tell Matt's parents. It must have taken the rest of that evening for the news to set in, because mom called me the next day with a shaky voice and said, "I just wish I could give you a big hug!"
Purple strip on left hand page reads: All the windows of my heart I open to the day. -John Greenleaf Whittier
The picture was taken over Thanksgiving 2008 (just before I became pregnant). I wanted to show a family picture of us, and how we looked before the baby came. "See 'Baby G', mom and dad and Grandma and Grandpa used to look at lot younger!"
LOVE this blog!! Makes Seattle feel a little closer :) Chelsea and Nicki send their love and congrats!!