When you signed up for this job, to become a DAD, did you know that you would be blessed with this precious little girl?

... and she'd start out so small?
... and she'd challenge your patience and maturity, looking to you for comfort?
... and she'd depend on you for all her basic needs?
... and she'd be your Snuggle Bunny who doesn't particularly like whisker kisses?
... and she'd make you so proud?
... and she'd remind you of the joy of discovering something for the first time?
... and she'd be so much fun to play with?
... and you'd want to squeeze her up every chance you get?
... and she'd be your biggest (Saints) fan?
... and she'd be the happiest when she's just spending time with you?
... and she'd flap her arms and flash you the biggest smile when she saw you after waking up?
... and she'd get so big, so fast?
On your first Father's Day, I hope this helps you reflect on how your life has changed in the last nine months. No longer are you just a man, a son, a friend or a husband. You are now a Father. Whether you meant to or not, you opened yourself up to love more than you ever knew you could and to be cherished more than you ever knew you would.
This weekend, for the first time, when Julianna saw you come to the door, she crawled straight to you. It was without hesitation. And I think it was her way of saying Happy Father's Day; I love you so much!
We both do.